Consultant Support Services

Our depth of knowledge in most methods of design, enables us to coordinate the intended/proposed design and look at the buildability of the design from a cost and delivery perspective. This ensures that the design follows stages that can be delivered efficiently, safely and to an optimum programme.

Bolt on site visits can be requested to follow and ensure that the agreed design is installed correctly and in line with the design intent. Works are then taken through a QA process and signed off at agreed stage hold points.

This service provides a unique link to provide positive support for the client, supply chain and third party governing bodies, LPA, Network rail, LUL, LABC, NHBC.

We also provide a complete inspection and report service that allows the design to be checked at agreed hold points during pre-construction, Construction and post-construction phase of each project.

We can also assist with value engineering support, to review the design, to find the best and most efficient and cost effective design, to assist both consultant and client.

We provide Environmental Management Plans and Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans