Self Build

You’ve all seen the highly watched property programme broadcasts, that show clients going into ventures of self-build developments on their own. These broadcasts showing a beautiful designed property at the beginning of the programme, followed by a series of multiple issues through the design and project delivery stage.

Generally, these projects are placed on hold and heavily re-financed to enable each project to be completed. Consequentially there are large delays to the development stage and lack of cost certainty and control.

The reasons for why the projects fail during the construction phase are rarely shown in the broadcasts, but are easily avoided if the correct procedures are adopted and implemented through the life time of the development, pre and planning and construction phases.

Our expert team can take you through these processes and monitor all stages through your projects journey.

This allows our clients to have the confidence to manage their own build and deliver their own properties from design phase, through to and including occupation.

Don’t be put off by the drama and experiences seen on TV. Engage with us at get a fully detailed plan and follow this through each stage of development.